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Cosklot MF Tablet (hemostatic drug) offers dual power to treat heavy menstrual bleeding and menstrual pain. It prevents the breakdown of blood clots to control excessive bleeding during periods. It also blocks the production of certain chemical inflammatory messengers that cause pain and inflammation.



In Primary Dysmenorrhoea,Painful Menorrhagia & Uterine Bleeding Associated with PCOS,fibroids, Polyps, adenomyosis.


Each Film Coated Tablet Contains: Mefenamic Acid 250 mg + Tranexamic acid 500 mg.

Direction of use

Dosage: One tablet 2-3 times upto 5 days Or as advised by your doctor.

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Eris Oaknet Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Unit GB1, Art Guild House, B Wing
Phoenix Market City, L.B.S Marg Kurla (w)
Mumbai – 400070, Maharashtra, India