Cosmelite-Next-Cream zoom


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Cosmelite comes with The next generation anti-melasma topical formulation. Cosmelite Next Cream contain Silymarin (anti oxidant & anti-inflammatory activity, prevents UV induce damage and decrease pigment spot formation), a novel effective & safe treatment option in Melasma. Offers strong anti-oxidant activity which is several fold greater than Vitamin E.



In Melasma

Key Ingredients

Silymarine, Soy Isoflavones, p Terowhite, Kojic Acid, 3-0-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, Niacinamide, Mandelic Acid.

Direction of use

  • Cosmelite Next Cream is for External use only.
  • Before application of Cosmelite Next Cream, cleanse face with a suitable facewash to exfoliate the dead skin.
  • Cosmelite Next Cream is recommended for twice daily application (once during daytime and once during night) or as directed by doctor.
  • After application of Cosmelite Next Cream, apply a sunscreen 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun. Spending time in sun may increase the severity of melasma.

Medical Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only. Before taking any drugs or medications, over-the-counter drugs, supplements or herbs, always consult your physician for a thorough evaluation. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment based on the review of Eris Oaknet Healthcare website. The drugs or medication summaries provided do not include all of the information which are important for patient use and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. The prescribing physician should be consulted concerning any questions that you may have regarding any ailment or any product listed on the website. Eris Oaknet Healthcare disclaims any liabilities arising due to lack of consultation with physicians.


Eris Oaknet Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Unit GB1, Art Guild House, B Wing
Phoenix Market City, L.B.S Marg Kurla (w)
Mumbai – 400070, Maharashtra, India