Cosmelite comes with The next generation anti-melasma topical formulation. Cosmelite Next Cream contain Silymarin (anti oxidant & anti-inflammatory activity, prevents UV induce damage and decrease pigment spot formation), a novel effective & safe treatment option in Melasma. Offers strong anti-oxidant activity which is several fold greater than Vitamin E.
In Melasma
Key Ingredients
Silymarine, Soy Isoflavones, p Terowhite, Kojic Acid, 3-0-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, Niacinamide, Mandelic Acid.
Direction of use
- Cosmelite Next Cream is for External use only.
- Before application of Cosmelite Next Cream, cleanse face with a suitable facewash to exfoliate the dead skin.
- Cosmelite Next Cream is recommended for twice daily application (once during daytime and once during night) or as directed by doctor.
- After application of Cosmelite Next Cream, apply a sunscreen 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun. Spending time in sun may increase the severity of melasma.